Our software comes ready to go with easy configuration options. Get set up in days or weeks, not months, with no IT headaches.
Scholastica's software and services are intuitive and easy to use, optimizing workflows for editors, authors, and reviewers.
We're helping journals meet the latest industry standards while saving time and costs with smart automations and integrations.
Our fully-hosted solutions include free training, support, and instant access to improvements — no waiting for or installing updates.
Join Scholastica and the GWU MPS in Publishing Program for a roundtable discussion about modernizing publishing tools/processes for the next generation of publishers and researchers entering the workforce.
Read MoreScholastica and Maverick Publishing Specialists have launched a survey on the technology needs of small and medium journal publishers, open until June 5th. Click below to learn more and take the survey.
Read MoreScholastica's Production Service combines automation with human support to typeset PDF, XML, and HTML article files more quickly, affordably, and reliably than other vendors. Learn more during this webinar featuring members of our team.
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