
Publishing open access journals just got easier.

Host fully open access journals, integrate with discovery services, and track readership analytics all on one platform.

Scholastica open access publishing platform on a tablet and laptop.

Publish fully open access journals without IT hassles

Using Scholastica's open access publishing platform, your team can easily set up modern, discoverable journal websites without needing complex manuals, coding experience, or a web developer.

Scholastica open access publishing platform journal website editor.
Set up modern journal websites fast

Scholastica's hosting platform comes with an intuitive journal website template your team can easily customize using our simple editing tool.

Optimize articles for online reading and discovery

Journal websites feature a responsive, user-friendly design, including site-wide search, and they’re optimized for online browsers and indexes.

Help readers stay connected

With mobile-friendly pages, social media integrations, an RSS feed, and the option to add a blog to your journal, you'll be able to keep readers connected.

Archive and index articles with ease

Scholastica generates the rich metadata journals need for article preservation and discovery and offers integrations with leading archives and indexes.

Joshua C. Hall, editor of Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy.

If you are running a journal and are looking for an inexpensive and intuitive publication system, you can't do better than Scholastica. It was extremely easy to get started and the staff is extremely supportive. Moving to Scholastica has dramatically reduced our time to publication of accepted manuscripts.

Joshua C. Hall
Image of metadata for an article published using Scholastica open access publishing platform.
Reach more readers with search optimization and indexing support
Scholastica's journal websites are search-optimized with mobile-friendly pages and rich machine-readable metadata. We automatically generate HTML article-level metadata for online browsers and XML article-level metadata in the JATS standard, including references, funding details, persistent identifiers (like DOIs, ORCID, and ROR IDs), CRediT roles (when input), and more. Our websites are structured to support Google Scholar crawling, and we offer integrations with leading archives and indexes.
Track how readers are finding and engaging with your articles
Scholastica's open access journal publishing platform features a built-in analytics suite where you can track in-depth readership insights, including article pageview and download counts, readers by country, referring websites, social media referrals, and more. Articles also feature a link to a public metrics page that includes pageview and download counts, readers by country, and the option to integrate Altmetric badges.
Scholastica open access journal publishing platform publishing analytics suite.

Ready-to-go OA publishing software and the support you need

Easy setup and migration with no added fees

Our open access publishing platform comes ready to go with easy configuration options and migration support — including free PDF back issue imports — and no setup fees.

Fully-hosted solution with user support

With Scholastica, you don't have to worry about software version downloads or maintenance. Our system is fully-hosted, and we take care of all updates, backups, and user support.

Aligned with industry standards

We're building out Scholastica's publishing platform to support the latest industry standards, from data security to metadata enrichment to archiving and indexing.

Enhance your journal reading experience
Give your readers the best experience possible with superior article publishing functionality. When you use Scholastica for open access journal hosting, you can publish articles in issues or on a rolling basis to make them available to readers sooner. Our websites are designed for optimal browsing with mobile-friendly pages, beautiful article display, PDF search, easy access to supplemental files, and the ability to download citations (BibTex) for reference management.
An academic article on a phone and laptop.
An image of an article that is using the Scholastica open access publishing built-in arXiv integration.
Publish arXiv overlay journals with ease
With Scholastica's open access publishing platform, you have the option to publish arXiv overlay journals. Accept submissions via our built-in arXiv integration and have article pages link directly to the final arXiv versions. arXiv article pages feature article details and the ability to add brief descriptions.

Easily integrate with archiving, discovery, and altmetric services

Scholastica's open access journal publishing platform features integrations with leading archives and discovery services that you can turn on in a few clicks.
Crossref logo
Crossref DOI registration

Automate Digital Object Identifier registration and metadata deposits

DOAJ logo
DOAJ indexing

Have published articles sent straight to the Directory of Open Access Journals

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Portico archiving

Automatically deposit articles into Portico's archive to ensure they're preserved

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PMC and PubMed indexing

Index articles in PubMed and PMC fast with automatic deposits to PMC

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Altmetric badge display with articles

Have Altmetric badges automatically displayed on the metrics page of your published articles.

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ROR institutional ID integration

Scholastica automatically applies ROR IDs for authors' institutional affiliations in articles.

Everything you need to publish fully-OA journals in one place

You can use Scholastica's open access journal hosting platform alone or seamlessly integrate it with our peer review system and production service to centralize your entire publishing process.

Scholastica open access publishing dashboard on a tablet device.
Streamline manuscript submissions and tracking

Use Scholastica's intuitive, end-to-end peer review system to manage submissions with ease and improve your author and reviewer experience.

Move manuscripts and metadata straight to production

Import manuscripts from Scholastica's peer review system to our production service, including metadata from submissions, so you don't have to reenter it.

Get rich machine-readable metadata automatically

Scholastica generates rich machine-readable HTML and JATS-compliant XML metadata for all journals using our production service and/or hosting platform.

Publish new articles and issues as soon as they're ready

Publish articles typeset by Scholastica to your journal website in a few clicks with the option to compile rolling articles into issues at any time.

Plan S, Core Open Access Publishing Standards & Scholastica.

Here's what we're doing to help journals comply with Plan S and meet the highest open access publishing standards.